New Flyer Named Partner Of Choice On More Than $338 Million In FTA Grants
New Flyer of America Inc. (New Flyer), a subsidiary of NFI Group Inc. (NFI), has announced it has been named the partner of choice in over $338 million of competitive grant awards through the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA’s) 2024 Low- or No-Emission (Low-No) and Buses and Bus Facilities (BBF) programs. The award amount was spread across 14 transit agency partners.
The FTA Low-No grant program was launched in 2015, with the first awards being dispersed in 2016. In combination with the BBF program, the Low-No grant program aims to improve U.S. transit infrastructure while enabling agencies to reduce their environmental impact through the deployment of low- or zero-emission buses.
“The awards for this year totaled almost $1.5 billion and were spread across 117 projects in 47 states,” according to a press release. “The total was divided between more than $1.1 billion in Low-No awards and more than $390 million in BBF awards and is expected to fund approximately 1,150 buses along with facilities, workforce development programs, and other systems to support them.
“The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), through its agency the FTA, used this year’s award cycle to continue efforts to help strengthen U.S. bus manufacturing by prioritizing proposals that included healthy contracting provisions such as using progress or advance payment plans and reducing customization by using either a joint procurement process or purchasing a standard bus model.
“The $338 million total represents agencies who directly partnered with New Flyer as part of their grant application. The FTA has also awarded grants to agencies that did not specify a named partner and instead will use a procurement process to determine the manufacturer. The funds will remain available for use until FY2027. More information on projects selected can be found at”
Further information about New Flyer is available at