Link Transit Celebrates Seven Years Of Service And Growth
June 6, 2023, marks the seventh anniversary of Link Transit (Burlington, NC) providing public transportation services to the North Carolina communities of Burlington, Elon, and Gibsonville, as well as Alamance County and Alamance Community College. To date, Link Transit has provided close to 650,000 trips since beginning operations on June 6, 2016.
To celebrate, Link Transit staff handed out free giveaways at the Transit Hub on June 6, as well as talked with patrons about Link Transit and Link Paratransit services and operations. Over its seven years, Link Transit has continually upgraded services such as adding stops and bus shelters, Saturday service, service to Elon, and evening service on weekdays. Over the past two years, Link has also been fare free, which attributed to additional passenger trips being made.
“Link Transit has realized great success since 2016, and more improvements will occur later this year involving passenger shelters, sidewalks and electric buses,” Burlington Transportation Director Mike Nunn said.
“We are excited to see Link’s ridership continue to grow,” Link Transit Manager John Andoh added. “650,000 trips in seven years for a small urban system is amazing.”