Cincinnati’s Metro To Launch MetroNow! On-Demand Service May 22
Metro (Cincinnati, OH) officials have announced a new on-demand public transit service is ready to begin in Hamilton County, OH. Dubbed MetroNow!, for $2 each way, customers traveling within either of two pilot zones can book their trips through the MetroNow! app or by phone at (513-551-5555), and a MetroNow! shuttle-style vehicle will arrive at or within a short walk from their location.
MetroNow! service will operate weekdays between 6 a.m.-8 p.m. and weekends between 8 a.m.-6 p.m. According to Metro, “This new service will be a game-changer for individuals to access jobs, education, health care, groceries, family, entertainment and more within these communities, as well as connect to Metro routes along major corridors.”
Metro will launch the first of its two MetroNow! pilot zones in Springdale and Sharonville, on Monday, May 22. The second pilot zone, in the Northgate area, will launch in mid-June. By the end of 2023, four additional zones are planned for roll-out.
To learn more about this new service visit here. MetroNow! vehicles will be staged in various parts of the community for the public to visit and learn more about.
“As part of its Reinventing Metro plan, Metro has the exciting opportunity to provide regional transit access to neighborhoods that historically have not had access to public transportation. MetroNow! will provide accessible, on-demand and localized mobility service for all, including connections to Metro’s network of more than 40 fixed bus routes,” according to a Metro press release.