Victor Valley (CA) Transit Partners With Excelsior Charter Schools For Fare-Free Transit For Students
Students at Escelsior Charter School (Victorville, CA) now have a new transportation option that allows them free Victor Valley Transit Authority (VVTA-CA) bus rides to and from school, and other destinations, in the Victor Valley, through the end of the school year.
Excelsior Charter School joins the ranks of Options for Youth, Victor Valley College, and Cal State San Bernardino in subsidizing free rides to all its registered students. The six-month promotional program authorizes students enrolled in the following Excelsior campuses — Victorville Main, Victorville North, Barstow, and Phelan — the opportunity to ride Victor Valley Transit Fixed and County Routes fare-free by simply presenting their current student ID to the bus operator upon boarding.
Also paramount in this partnership is giving more youth access to shared rides that reduce car traffic congestion at the entrances to the campuses. Additionally, it helps reduce traffic on local roads and improves the air quality in the process.
The Free-Fare Rides for Students Program comes at a lower cost to the school’s transportation budget and at no additional cost to students or their families. Excelsior students have taken full advantage of this opportunity since the start of the program on December 17, 2022.